Here in the Atomic Kitchen, we bring the gamut of emotions. We like to make you laugh. Today, we might make you cry. Fair warning: you may need a box of tissues as we explain why cutting onions makes you cry. Your tears are primarily water. Saline. Salt water. Onions can be divided into two categories: Sweet and Storage. Sweet onions have a much higher water content, and have a limited shelf life. They have a milder reaction with your eyeballs and tear ducts because of that high water content. We're going to address yellow, white and red onions used in cooking – the “storage onions” sometimes referred to as “dry onions,” with a relatively low water content. You're embarking on a fantastic recipe. You've got a sharp knife at the ready. You peel the skin off the onion and place it on the cutting board. Shortly after making that first slice, your eyes tear uncontrollably. These do not feel like “Oh, the suffering of humanity...